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Our Story



the Place is birthed out of Vista Assembly of God as a New Church Plant in the Community of Bonsall and Fallbrook. Brad Griswold, pastor of this start up, had a radical salvation in 1996 at his soon-to-be home church "Vista Assembly of God". During the past 23 years God has transformed Brad, a man who once was bound up with drug and identity issues, into a man who understands and embraces the Good news. God, by His Grace, has been changing him into the man He created him to be - a man who understands first hand the sorrow and loneliness of poor life choices; a man who is compelled to show how Jesus, by His Spirit, can change anyone, no matter what they think or believe. He has witnessed this numerous times; he experienced this himself.

In February 2011 while worshiping at a small church in Vaudruil, Quebec, Canada, - Brad had a miraculous encounter with the Lord that brought him to his knees in humility and tears. He heard the small still voice of God saying “ I’ve called you to Preach”. The Place emerged from that calling. In obedience to the “Call” Brad went to the Southern California Assembly of God School of Ministry for three years and completed the required curriculum to become ordained. He is an ordained minister of the Gospel with the Assemblies of God.
God gave a desire to be a pastor in Brad’s heart and is currently enrolled in Vanguard University, studying religion and leadership.



Our Identity

You Matter




Our Target Group

To engage the Lost, Hurting & Hopeless with the Good News of God’s Grace. To welcome those who have felt neglected, rejected and misunderstood. We desire to be a “place” that welcomes all - no questions asked! God’s desire is to reach these people, those who are lost in this world with no true purpose in life, with the understanding of who they are - in His eyes. A people who see their life with no value, no worth, or no significance. Also, to show people that have great guilt, no matter the circumstances, are forgiven and accepted in the Beloved (God’s family). So, we also need help. Feel called to help? We sure could use some help.




Core Values

We live outside the box - All things to all people
The Preaching of the Bible is positive and uplifting, raw & real.
Live in Grace - Others before ourselves
Everything is an experiment - Let’s try it if He is leading it
Eating brings unity - weekly meals together, as a family would do We grow as a group - together as His Body
We pray, He answers - A life with prayer is essential
All are welcome to join - So bring someone. Multiplication by Personal invitation as we reach out to family, friends and community involvement.




Our Vision

For all to understand how valuable they are:
You Matter to God - He Loves you and wants to have a personal alliance with you - John 3:16
You Matter to Us - We aren’t complete without you. - Romans 12:3-8 You Matter to Others - They need to hear the Good News - Mark 16:15-18




Our Strategy

In Our Services there will be...

A Place to create an informal setting with a warm & welcoming atmosphere of acceptance no matter where you are in the economy of Life.
A Place where people feel valued, precious and loved by God and by each other - Worship
A safe Place to "come as you are” - Fellowship
A Place for Healing and Restoration - Prayer
A Place of “Hope” - Prophetic words of encouragement
A Place to live life together in a supportive community of Believers and Non-Believers - Evangelism
A Place to encourage our Fellowship of Believers to understand, develop and use their God-given gifts and talents - Discipleship


In Our Community...
A positive influence to civic leaders
A helping hand to those in need (physical or Spiritual), regardless of their present circumstances
A resource for one on one involvement
Get involved in existing community organizations


In Our World...
Support Missionaries financially
Support Children through Latin America Childcare Involvement with short term Missions Outreach





Our Beliefs

The Bible is the inspired word of God - 2 Timothy 3:16
God exists as Father, Son & Holy Spirit - Matthew 28:19
Jesus, the son of God, is a once and for all perfect sacrifice, there is nothing we can do to add to it, no works necessary.
1Corinthians 15:3
The Holy Spirit is present in our world to make all aware of our need for Jesus. He also indwells all believers to provide Power, Comfort & Direction. - Acts1:8
Salvation - A free gift to all from God by placing your faith in Jesus Christ. - Ephesians 2:8
Baptism in the Holy Spirit is an experience distinct from being reborn (born again). It comes with power for life, for service to others & challenges one faces in this life. - Mark 16:20
Divine Healing - God still heals today. - Matthew 8:16,17




We Dream of Being

A venue where the Gifts of God are in practice, by all His followers, for His Glory
An atmosphere of excellence - in Worship, in giving, in following Jesus

A safe haven to those who need one
An environment where you can bring someone, anyone and they will feel accepted
An influence in our community
Real and relevant with the Good News of Jesus Christ
A training ground for leaders to emerge
where we live life without pios "holier than thou" religious hypocrisy. A Fellowship that is Welcoming
Where all are embraced with Gods’ unconditional love.
the place you would call your home church

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